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  • Your Ultimate Window Maintenance Guide

    Maintaining your windows is crucial to ensure they stay in top condition and continue providing your home with natural light and ventilation. When it comes to UPVC windows and doors, proper care can significantly extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through essential tips and best practices for maintaining your UPVC windows, including casement windows and box sash windows. Cleaning Your UPVC Windows Regular cleaning is the foundation of good window maintenance. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve gleaming windows: Gather Your Supplies: You'll need a bucket, mild detergent, water, a soft cloth or sponge, and a non-abrasive brush. Remove Debris: Start by wiping away any dirt or debris from the frame and sash. Prepare Your Cleaning Solution: Mix mild detergent with water to create a gentle cleaning solution. Clean the Frame: Dip your cloth or sponge in the solution and wipe down the frame, paying attention to corners and crevices. Address Stubborn Stains: For tougher stains, use a non-abrasive brush to gently scrub the affected areas. Clean the Glass: Use a glass cleaner or a solution of vinegar and water to clean the glass panes. Ensure a streak-free finish by drying the glass with a lint-free cloth. Pro Tip: Avoid using abrasive cleaners or sharp objects that could damage the UPVC surface. Maintaining Your Casement Windows Casement windows are known for their practicality and energy efficiency. To keep them operating smoothly, follow these maintenance tips: Inspect Seals and Weatherstripping: Check for any signs of wear or damage and replace if necessary to prevent drafts. Lubricate Hardware: Lubricate hinges and moving parts with a silicone-based lubricant to ensure easy operation. Regular Checks: Periodically check for any cracks, leaks, or gaps that may compromise the window's performance. Pro Tip: Keep the tracks of your casement windows clean to prevent dirt buildup. Caring for Box Sash Windows Box sash windows exude timeless elegance, but they require specific care to retain their charm: Balance Adjustment: Periodically adjust the window balances to ensure smooth operation. Sash Cord Inspection: Check the condition of the sash cords and replace any frayed or damaged ones promptly. Paint and Finish: Maintain the paint and finish of your box sash windows to protect them from moisture and weathering. Pro Tip: Apply a silicone spray to the pulleys of your box sash windows for effortless movement. By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your UPVC windows, whether casement or box sash, remain in top condition for years to come. Remember, regular maintenance not only enhances the appearance of your windows but also contributes to a more energy-efficient home. Stay proactive in caring for your windows, and they will repay you with lasting beauty and functionality. With this comprehensive window maintenance guide, you're equipped to keep your UPVC windows looking their best and performing optimally. Invest a little time in maintenance now to enjoy the benefits of beautiful, well-maintained windows for years to come.

  • When Do I Need Safety Glass in Doors and Windows, and What Type?

    Do you feel that using regular glass for windows or doors at your home are not strong enough? Then you should think about getting safety glasses. Safety glasses are more durable and shatter-resistant than regular glass. If safety standards or building codes require you to use safety glasses, you have no other option than using them. It will offer much-needed assistance to you with preventing injuries. Let’s learn more about when you should consider using safety glasses and the different types available. Using Safety Glass In Doors Most codes require safety glass for any glass panels in doors. This includes exterior doors such as front doors, patio doors, side doors and door transoms. Interior doors between rooms that contain glass panels also need to meet safety glass requirements. The most common types of safety glass used in doors are: Tempered glass (Toughened Glass) - This type of glass is heat-treated so that if broken, it shatters into small, blunt pebbles rather than sharp shards. It is the most widely used safety glass. Even when the glass breaks, it minimizes the risk of injuries to people around. Laminated glass - This is made by “sandwiching” a layer of flexible plastic vinyl between two panes of glass. If broken, the vinyl holds the glass fragments together, preventing dangerous shards from flying. Wired glass (Georgian Wired Glass) - This contains an embedded grid of thin metal wire. It cracks more easily than regular glass, but the wires bind broken glass pieces to protect from injuries. However, wired glass can cut skin, so it is less frequently used now due to safety concerns. Newer tempered and laminated glass offer superior protection. Using Safety Glass In Windows Safety glass regulations for windows often depend on the window type, location and height above floor level. Typical requirements include: Near doors - Code requires safety glass for windows within certain zones alongside doors, such as within 2 feet of the arc of any door in a closed position. This helps prevent someone from accidentally crashing through the glass when opening or closing the door. Low to the floor - For any glass windows that have the bottom edge less than 18 inches above floor level, tempered or laminated glass is required. This includes glass railings. People are more likely to come into direct contact with low-positioned glass. Large windows - Most codes require that any individual panes of glass over 9 square feet in size use safety glass. Large panes have more potential energy when broken and could cause significant injuries with dangerously flying particles. Staircases and landings - Tempered or laminated glass is required for any glass panels alongside staircases or stairway landings. If accidentally walked into or fallen against, regular glass could lead to severe lacerations. Bathroom enclosures - Shower and bathtub enclosures must contain safety glass if glass is used. Given wet and slippery conditions combined with direct body contact, breakage risks are high. This is the main reason why shower and bathtub enclosures are made with tempered glass. Final Words Some exceptions may apply if safety films, or easy-break decals are applied to glass to prevent large sharp shards on breakage. Speak to your local building code authorities if unsure about specific requirements in your municipality. When renovating or building, communicate safety glass needs to window installation contractors or glaziers early in the planning process. Replacement with standard glass risks injury and codes violations. The small added cost per window or door for code-compliant safety glass brings invaluable injury prevention and liability benefits in homes or workplaces.

  • External condensation on new windows

    Introduction Outer buildup on new windows is a typical peculiarity that happens when water beads structure on the outside surface of windows. This event frequently worries property holders because of its relationship with potential issues, such as water harm and diminished permeability. Understanding the primary reasons for outside buildup on new windows is pivotal for mortgage holders to oversee and alleviate this issue. By executing fitting arrangements, property holders can keep up with the trustworthiness of their windows and guarantee an agreeable indoor climate. Causes of External Condensation Temperature differential Compared with the outside climate, vacillations in temperature differentials inside a structure can incite the rise of outer buildup on windows, a peculiarity frequently exacerbated during colder months. The warm difference between the glow inside and the chill outside makes a superb condition for dampness to gather on the outside surfaces of windows. This buildup happens as the warm indoor air comes into contact with the more astonishing glass sheet, making the water fume in the air progress into a fluid structure. Factors such as mugginess levels, protection quality, and window materials can also impact buildup development. Resolving this issue typically includes further developing protection, improving ventilation frameworks, or utilizing twofold or triple-sheet windows with low-emissivity coatings to relieve temperature differentials and limit buildup development, subsequently upgrading solace and safeguarding the honesty of the structure. Humidity levels Raised moistness levels, whether inside or outside, can compound outer buildup development, especially in locales encountering variable weather patterns. This peculiarity is outstandingly articulated in regions where climatic dampness content varies often. Inordinate moistness encourages the buildup of water fumes onto surfaces, appearing as drops on windows, walls, and other uncovered structures. Such circumstances' dark permeability and posture are likely dangers of dampness-related harm, including mould development and primary crumbling. Relieving this issue frequently includes carrying out successful ventilation frameworks, dehumidifiers, or dampness obstruction answers for direct indoor mugginess levels and limiting the event of outside buildup, consequently defending both property trustworthiness and tenant solace. Impact of energy-efficient window features Present-day energy-effective windows, while superb for lessening heat misfortune and further developing protection, may lift the probability of outside buildup because of their plan and development. These windows frequently work with different sheets of glass and tight seals, which limit air spillage and improve warm proficiency. Notwithstanding, this sealed shut development can restrict regular ventilation and wind current, catching dampness inside and expanding mugginess levels. Also, the better protection properties bring about more excellent window surfaces and fueling buildup arrangement, particularly in sticky conditions or during temperature differentials between indoor and outside air. Hence, while energy-effective windows offer various advantages, addressing potential buildup issues through legitimate ventilation, moistness control, or valuable estimates like window medicines to keep a solid indoor climate is crucial. Impacts of External Condensation Structural implications on new windows The outside buildup can present primary dangers to new windows when left unattended. The steady presence of dampness can speed up the corruption of window casings and seals, prompting likely breaks and drafts. Over the long haul, this can think twice about the primary trustworthiness of the window, requiring expensive fixes or substitutions. Aesthetic concerns and visual obstruction Buildup on the outside of windows influences their usefulness and diminishes a property's stylish allure. Water drops gripping the glass can impede sees, lessen normal light infiltration, and make unattractive streaks and stains on the window surface, affecting the, generally speaking, visual allure of the structure. Potential risks to surrounding structures and materials Past the prompt effect on windows, the outer buildup can likewise present dangers to encompassing designs and materials. Water overflow from buildup might invade outside walls, prompting dampness harm, form development, and disintegration of building materials like wood, siding, or plaster, while possibly not appropriately made due. Strategies for Preventing External Condensation Proper window selection and installation techniques Picking windows with cutting-edge warm execution highlights, like low-emissivity (low-E) coatings or protected coating, can assist with limiting the probability of outer buildup. Furthermore, guaranteeing legitimate establishment by qualified experts is critical to forestall holes or releases that could fuel buildup issues. Role of ventilation and humidity control Powerful ventilation frameworks, such as exhaust fans in kitchens and restrooms, assist with managing indoor stickiness levels, decreasing the potential for buildup to shape on windows. Dehumidifiers or forced air systems can help keep up with ideal indoor dampness levels, alleviating buildup chances. Maintenance practices to mitigate condensation risks Standard support schedules, including cleaning outside surfaces and examining seals and weatherstripping for indications of wear or harm, are fundamental for forestalling outer buildup. Eliminating flotsam and jetsam and impediments from seepage channels and guaranteeing appropriate wind current around windows can likewise support the dampness of the executives. Addressing External Condensation Issues Identifying signs of external condensation Apparent water drops or misting on the outside surface of windows are demonstrative of outer buildup. Also, dampness stains or shape development around window casings might recommend fundamental buildup issues requiring consideration. Steps for troubleshooting and resolving condensation problems After distinguishing outside buildup issues, mortgage holders can make strides like further developing ventilation, changing indoor dampness levels, or introducing outside concealing gadgets to moderate the issue. Resolving hidden underlying problems, like deficient protection or inappropriate seepage, is vital for long-haul goals. Seeking professional assistance when needed Talking with experienced project workers or building experts might be essential when buildup issues continue regardless of Do-It-Yourself endeavours. These specialists can lead far-reaching evaluations to recognize hidden reasons for buildup and suggest proper remediation measures. Solutions to Minimize External Condensation Improve ventilation Successful ventilation is pivotal for keeping up with ideal mugginess levels inside and checking the development of window buildup. By permitting outside air to circle, appropriate ventilation removes the overabundance of dampness, and forestalling development frequently prompts buildup. This proactive measure shields against likely harm to windows and advances a better-living climate by limiting the gamble of form and mould development. With managed moistness, inhabitants can appreciate further developed solace and air quality inside their homes. Subsequently, putting resources into satisfactory ventilation frameworks or using regular ventilation procedures is instrumental in safeguarding the primary honesty of windows and encouraging a more lovely indoor air. Use dehumidifiers Introducing dehumidifiers can decrease indoor moisture levels, consequently forestalling outer buildup on new windows. These gadgets make a more adjusted and agreeable indoor climate by eliminating the overabundance of dampness from the air. This not only aids in safeguarding the windows' honesty but also forestalls potential issues, such as shape development and primary harm brought about by unnecessary dampness. Dehumidifiers are crucial in keeping up with ideal stickiness levels, especially in locales inclined to high dampness or during wet seasons. Their establishment offers a proactive answer for combatting buildup issues, guaranteeing new windows' life span and effectiveness while advancing a better living space in general. Increase surface temperature Procedures like window films or concentrated coatings raise window surface temperatures and check buildup arrangements. These arrangements become separators, limiting the temperature contrast between the window surface and the encompassing air. By decreasing this differentiation, they moderate the circumstances that are helpful for buildup. Window films, for example, add an extra layer to the glass, upgrading protection and warm productivity. Particular coatings work in basically the same manner, modifying the surface properties to oppose dampness development. Carrying out these strategies forestalls buildup and further develops energy productivity by decreasing the intensity of misfortune through windows. Thus, they add to keeping an agreeable indoor climate while broadening the life expectancy of windows and safeguarding their tasteful allure. Invest in thermal curtains or blinds Warm drapes or blinds offer additional protection, advancing steady temperatures around windows and controlling buildup development. These specific window medicines are planned with materials that improve protection properties, lessening heat between the window surface and the room. By making a hindrance against temperature vacillations, warm draperies or blinds assist with keeping up with stable indoor circumstances, limiting the probability of buildup shaping on the windows. Furthermore, they can develop energy productivity by decreasing intensity misfortune during colder months and impeding unnecessary intensity from entering during hotter periods. Integrating warm shades or blinds into window medicines improves solace and provides a better and more supportable living climate. Ensure proper sealing during installation Guaranteeing a tight seal during the establishment of new windows is vital for forestalling air spillage, an element that can prompt temperature differentials and buildup issues. An appropriately fixed window hinders drafts and air penetration, keeping up with reliable indoor temperatures and decreasing the gamble of buildup framing on the glass surfaces. This tight seal further develops energy proficiency by forestalling heat misfortune in chilly climates and limiting intensity gain in sweltering environments. Legitimate establishment strategies, like utilizing quality sealants and protection materials, are fundamental to accomplishing this seal and guaranteeing the drawn-out presentation of the windows. By focusing on impermeability during establishment, mortgage holders can alleviate buildup issues and upgrade the solace and effectiveness of their living spaces. Explanation of Solutions Detailed explanation of each solution Every arrangement targets particular variables that add to the outside buildup of new windows. Managing stickiness levels, accomplished through dehumidifiers, forestalls extreme dampness in the air that can prompt buildup. Further development of protection, using strategies like window films, specific coatings, warm drapes, or blinds, lessens temperature differentials between the window surface and the room, limiting buildup arrangement. Upgrading ventilation, another methodology, assists with coursing air and forestalls stale pockets of soggy air close to windows. By tending to these variables — dampness, protection, and ventilation — every arrangement adds to moderating buildup issues, guaranteeing the life span and effectiveness of new windows while keeping an agreeable indoor climate. How each solution addresses specific causes of external condensation Ventilation enhancements and dehumidifiers straightforwardly target high stickiness levels, alleviating the dampness content in the air that prompts buildup. By improving wind stream and decreasing indoor mugginess, these arrangements assist with forestalling buildup development on window surfaces. Then again, measures like expanding surface temperature through window films or concentrated coatings and introducing warm draperies fundamentally address temperature differentials and protection concerns. These methodologies limit the differentiation between the window surface and the indoor climate, consequently lessening the probability of buildup shaping. By consolidating techniques to manage mugginess levels and further develop protection, property holders can successfully battle buildup issues and keep an agreeable and dry indoor climate. Long-term Maintenance and Management Importance of ongoing maintenance for condensation prevention Supporting a proactive way to deal with upkeep is essential for forestalling intermittent buildup issues. Ordinary examinations, cleaning, maintenance of windows, and observing indoor moistness levels assist with guaranteeing adequate oversight of outer buildup. Monitoring and adapting strategies over time As ecological circumstances or building utilization designs transform, it's crucial to screen the viability of existing buildup avoidance procedures and adjust them depending on the situation. This might include redesigning windows, upgrading ventilation frameworks, or executing extra dampness control measures to address developing worries. Educating homeowners on managing external condensation Teaching mortgage holders about the causes and outcomes of outer buildup enables them to make proactive strides in forestalling and resolving the issue. Giving direction on legitimate support rehearses and offering assets for proficient help when fundamental can assist homeowners with overseeing buildup-related difficulties and keeping up with the trustworthiness of their windows and property over the long run. Conclusion Temperature differentials, mugginess levels, and the plan for energy-proficient windows Impact outside buildup on new windows. Carrying out arrangements like further developing ventilation, utilizing dehumidifiers, and improving protection can limit buildup development. Proactively tending to outside buildup on new windows not only assists with saving the life span and execution of windows but also adds to keeping an agreeable and sound indoor climate. By figuring out the primary causes and carrying out proper arrangements, mortgage holders can oversee the outer buildup on new windows and partake in the advantages of a very much-kept living space. Contact us for additional guidance and data about lessening buildup in your home.

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  • uPVC Windows and Doors | Filus

    FILUS. WINDOWS and DOORS Welcome to Filus - Your Local Windows & Doors Specialists Get a quote today CONTACT US PVC windows and doors Thanks for stopping by! We're Filus, your trusted source for uPVC windows and doors in SW London and Surrey. With over 10 years of experience, we're dedicated to providing high-quality products and exceptional service. About Our Family-Owned Company Filus was started by founders passionate about craftsmanship and customer satisfaction. We specialize in the supply and installation of PVC windows and doors that are custom-made to suit your home and budget. Our skilled team handles your project from start to finish - from providing free consultations to performing professional installations. We take pride in the quality of our work and stand behind everything we do. Your satisfaction is our top priority! Why Homeowners Choose Us There are plenty of good reasons to choose us for your next window and door project: Over 10 years of experience - You can trust our expertise Energy efficient uPVC products - Save on heating/cooling costs Tailored to your home - We fully survey and customize options Outstanding warranties - We stand behind our workmanship Friendly, prompt service - Your happiness comes first Ready to learn more? ​ Get in touch today to schedule your free in-home consultation! Discover Our Product Range Windows We offers REHAU Favorite's such as The Total 70/ Calibre/Rio Flush Fit Upvc profiles Along with a large range of Aluminum profiles to meet All Your needs Doors We offer brands such as Solidor & Residor and many others, we are proud to be Exclusive suppliers of the "One of a Kind" Engineered Upvc Door range Conservatories We have a massive range of Solid (fully & partially glazed) roofs on offer, Ultraframe Roofs are the only real choice when it comes to High-performance living spaces Our Window & Door Products We offer high-performance uPVC windows and doors in styles to suit any home, including: Casement, bay, and bow windows French doors, patio doors, and more Composite doors, bi-fold doors Conservatories and cladding Browse our photo gallery to see stunning installations! Contact Us for a Free Quote To request a free quote or book a consultation, give us a call at 07500069380 or fill out our online form . We look forward to helping with your window and door project! LET'S WORK TOGETHER! Consultation & Design Welcome to Filus, your source for expert consultation and design services for your home technology needs. As an Avssure certified installer. Survey & Installation Filus, your certified Avssure installer, provides top-quality survey and installation services tailored to meet your specific needs. 10 YEARS Guarantee PVCu windows and door frames are guaranteed against any failure in welded joints and distortment in accordance. FILUS. Difference Welcome to Filus, where we pride ourselves on providing top-quality installation services backed by the added assurance of Avssure certification. We understand that every job is unique, and that's why we take the extra time and care to make sure that all of our clients are completely happy with the end result. With our commitment to excellence and attention to detail, we know you'll never have to worry about a thing. Contact us today to learn more about the FILUS. difference and see how we can meet all of your installation needs. See What Our Customers Say About Us

  • uPVC Sash Windows | Filus

    Vertical Sliding SASH WINDOWS Why PVC Sliding Sash Windows Perfect Fit for All Homes When it comes to selecting windows for your house, there are a lot of various aspects of the process that you need to think about and take into account. You need to consider about the type of your house, the environment that you live in, your budget, and of course, the degree of care that you are prepared to undertake on your property. However, a uPVC sliding sash window is the one kind of window that is ideal for every house, regardless of the other considerations that could come into slack. uPVC sliding sash windows are becoming more popular in houses all over the globe and especially in the UK because they provide a wide variety of advantages that other kinds of windows just can't match. This is one of the main reasons for the rise in popularity of these windows. To begin, they are incredibly energy efficient, which means that they can assist in keeping your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. This benefit is especially useful if you live in a climate that experiences extremes of heat and cold. They are also quite simple to handle and maintain, and they can be customized to come in a broad number of various forms and patterns to complement the appearance of any house. The most significant advantage of uPVC sliding sash windows is the fact that they are suitable for any residence, regardless of the architectural design or geographic setting of the building. uPVC sliding sash windows will always appear as they belong, no matter what kind of property you have, whether an old-fashioned Victorian terraced house or a contemporary apartment building. It is not difficult to choose the uPVC sliding sash window that is most suited for your home since these windows are available in such a diverse selection of variations, styles, and patterns. If you are seeking windows that are not only fashionable but also practical, then uPVC sliding sash windows are most certainly the best option for you to choose. There is just no justifiable reason not to have them installed in your own house right now, given all of the advantages they provide and the fact that they are an ideal match for any kind of dwelling. Advantages & Features Unique To PVC Sliding Sash Windows Having uPVC sliding sash windows placed in your house may provide a number of advantages for you and your family. In addition to the fact that they are an ideal match for any and all residential structures, these windows also come with a plethora of additional advantages, all of which combine to make them the superior option for any and all window replacement endeavors. The combination of high-quality double glazing and energy-efficient multi-chambered frames helps to preserve the warmth inside your house. Improving your home's ability to retain heat can result in lower heating costs and a cozier, more pleasant living environment. They are relatively simple to clean and maintain, and they will not decay or fade throughout their lifetime. In addition, uPVC windows provide an exceptionally high level of protection against break-ins and will discourage any would-be thieves from targeting your house. If you are searching for a window replacement solution, then uPVC sliding sash windows are the best option for you to go with. How To Choose the Perfect PVC Sliding Sash Window for Your Home There are a few aspects that need to be taken into account when selecting the uPVC sliding sash window that will work best for your house. The first factor to take into consideration is the dimensions of the window. It is essential that you check that the size of the window is proportionate to the available room in which it will be installed. The second consideration is the manner in which the windows are fashioned. You can find PVC sliding sash windows in a wide variety of designs on the market; thus, it is imperative that you choose a model that is compatible with the architectural aesthetic of your house when you shop for them. The third consideration concerns the color of the window. It is essential that you check to see if the color of the window is a suitable complement to the colors that are already present in your house. As a last step, you need to ensure that the window is put correctly by a trained fitter.

  • Workmanship Guarantee | windows

    Workmanship Guarantee PVCu windows and door frames are guaranteed against any failure in welded joints and distortment in accordance with system supplier’s recommendations for a period of not longer than 10 years from the above commencement date. Glass sealed units installed are guaranteed for a period no longer than 5 years after the commencement date above for the failure of hermetical seals (i.e. misting between panes). Locking mechanisms, hinges and all metallic moving parts are guaranteed for 1 year subject to regular maintenance by customer. Cosmetic deterioration to handles, letter plates and door handles etc. due to general wear and tear are not covered by this guarantee. No guarantee is given as to the elimination of condensation This guarantee does not cover for breakage of glass after the installation is complete. All guarantees are given in good faith. However, if it is deemed after a visit from a company representative that our product has been misused, tampered or damaged in any way etc, we will render the guarantee null and void, leaving any remedial work to be carried out at a pre-arranged fee, which shall be payable before any work commences. This guarantee is non-transferable. (This clause can be reversed) All goods remain the property of FILUS. WINDOWS until payment has been received in full, and has cleared the banking process. Any failure of materials due to faulty workmanship under the term of this guarantee will be repaired or replaced at FILUS. WINDOWS sole discretion. The customer will have the benefit of the manufacturers guarantee in respect of any materials

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